Strengthening Your Core Is Key To a Successful Yoga Practice

What often comes to mind when we think of our “core” is our stomach muscles. And while our stomach muscles play an integral role in our overall core strength, our core actually involves all of the muscles that wrap around our torso, including deep abdominal and back muscles responsible for stability and strength. In yoga, we also refer to our core in terms of our intuition. It is where the manipura chakra (solar plexus) is housed, which is connected to our inner strength, confidence and ability to feel balanced and grounded. 

There are a lot of reasons why the core is such a strong focus and a foundation for a strong yoga practice. Read on to explore why strengthening your core is so vital and how to incorporate yoga into your daily routine to build physical and emotional core strength.

1. Physical Strength:

Physical strength is the most apparent benefit of core strengthening. When you have a strong core, it increases your overall physical capability. A well-toned core not only enhances your balance and stability but also helps you maintain a good posture, reducing the risk of backache and other spinal issues. Incorporating yoga poses such as plank, side plank, downward dog, and boat pose into your routine can help you build physical core strength. Be sure to focus on your back muscles as well. Good postures to include in a regular practice include locust, camel, bridge and sphinx. Consistently practicing these poses ensures you have good body alignment and engages multiple muscle groups, promoting total body strength.

2. Emotional Strength:

Aside from physical benefits, core strengthening is also a crucial aspect of mental and emotional wellbeing. In yoga, we focus on the chakra centers of the body to enhance overall wellness. In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the 7 energy centers in your body. Envision these wheels as spinning energy; the goal is to keep the chakras open, or balanced. If they get blocked, you may experience physical, emotional or energetic symptoms related to that particular chakra. The chakra center rooted in your belly is the Manipura chakra (solar plexus). When blocked, you may feel stuck in indecision and overanalysis, or feel you’re not able to move from a place of truth. This chakra is also associated with confidence and self-esteem. In addition to the yoga asanas we mentioned above, practicing breathing exercises like Kapalabhati (breath of fire) can help you strengthen your connection to your core. 

3. Balancing Act:

As we age, we tend to lose balance, which can lead to an increased risk of falls and injuries. A weak core is a leading cause of balance loss. However, when you strengthen your core, you promote better balance and stability, which decreases your risk of falling and hurting yourself. Incorporating yoga asanas such as tree pose, eagle pose, and warrior III into your yoga practice can help improve balance and stability.

4. Daily Habits:

We often underestimate the significant role that the core plays in daily activities such as bending, lifting and even sitting. Good posture is crucial in activities such as driving, using the computer or cell phone, and standing for any period of time. Without a strong core, we're more prone to slouching, which can lead to discomfort and joint stiffness, as well as pain in other joints of the body (like the knees).  Incorporating yoga into your daily routine will help you become more aware of your habits and the effects they have on your body.

5. Mind and Body Connection:

Yoga is a practice that emphasizes connecting the mind and body through breath and movement. A strong core enhances this connection and promotes energy flow throughout your entire being. When there's a strong sense of connection between mind and body, you become more aware of your emotional and mental state, leading to an overall sense of calm and balance.

Strengthening your core is vital for both physical and emotional wellbeing. It not only improves overall physical strength, balance and posture but also enhances emotional resilience, intuition, and promotes the mind-body connection. Incorporating yoga into your self-care routine can help strengthen your core and bring an overall sense of calm and balance into your daily life. And let's not forget—when we feel physically and emotionally strong, life seems a bit more manageable. So if you haven't already, start incorporating some core-focused asanas into your practice and enjoy the benefits of a stronger "core."