Hydration is about more than just water.

Hydration is about more than just water.

We all know how important it is to stay properly hydrated. So many of us carry insulated water bottles around with us as we move through our days, refilling them as needed. I’m imagining most of you have a large collection of water bottles of all shapes, colors, and sizes just like I do. 

There are good reasons we focus so much on drinking enough water. Hydration is an essential aspect of maintaining overall health and wellness. And although we tend to measure our hydration efforts by the amount of water we drink, it's important to remember that drinking water is not the only way to stay hydrated. The foods you eat and how and how much you move matter, too. 

Why is it so important to stay hydrated? 

Hydration is a vital part of your overall health and wellness. In fact, it’s necessary for your body’s very survival. Staying hydrated benefits your body and mind in myriad ways, including: 

  • Regulating body temperature.

  • Maintaining bodily functions.

  • Detoxifying the body.

  • Improving skin health.

  • Improving mental performance.

  • Supporting a healthy weight.

  • Preventing kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and constipation.

Read this blog post for more about the symptoms of dehydration and the benefits of staying hydrated. 

Hydration through food. 

Studies suggest we can get as much as 50% of the water our bodies need through the foods we eat. Of course, that means choosing the right foods for the job. A steady diet of bacon and heavily processed foods is not certainly not going to help you stay hydrated. Instead, choose fruits and vegetables with high water content like cucumbers, watermelon, and strawberries that provide hydration in addition to essential vitamins and minerals.

Nature is brilliant and when we work with nature, our bodies benefit. Nature has carefully packaged hydration within food, releasing it with nutrients, electrical charge, and all-important fiber. Fiber is particularly important to maintaining proper hydration as it absorbs water and releases it at a later time when your body needs it. 

One of my favorite ways to hydrate through food, especially this time of year, is with soups! I love light, broth-based soups and hearty stews and chilis. 

Soups are a great way to stay hydrated even when you don’t feel thirsty. During the winter months, we tend to drink less because we don’t feel as thirsty as we do during warmer months. It’s important to remember we lose fluid through daily activities at any time of the year. Soups have a naturally high liquid content, making them a great way to stay hydrated. 

Quick tip: Whenever possible, use homemade stock or broth. Canned or boxed broth and bouillon cubes are often high in sodium. If you need the convenience of these foods, make sure to check the nutritional facts and choose one with the lowest amount of sodium. 

There are foods to avoid when proper hydration is your goal. There are even foods that cause dehydration. They include salty snacks, soy sauce, fried foods, ready-to-eat meals, and alcohol.  

Hydration through movement.  

Would it surprise you to learn that your movement is also an important part of staying hydrated? Where eating and drinking the right foods and fluids starts the process of hydration, it takes movement to complete it. 

When you move your body, water is distributed and propelled through your organs, tissues, and cells. Movement is the only way to make this happen! 

When you combine hydration and movement, electricity is created which carries all-important water to all parts of your body. 

Dynamic stretching and deep breathing are particularly effective ways to get hydration going. Gentle stretching helps to loosen the fascia - the connective tissue that surrounds and holds all of our organs, bones, and muscles in place. When fascia is tight, which can happen as we age, it limits the ability of water to flow easily throughout the body. 

Stretching in a way that encourages movement from the head to the toes creates a flow of hydration through the body. Make a regular yoga practice part of your overall plan to achieve optimal hydration. Read this blog post to learn more about the importance of movement and exercise in your overall health and wellness plan. 

Proper hydration is important to all of our bodies’ functions. It helps our bodies systems work effectively, delivering what we need to all our organs, tissues, and cells. Being properly hydrated just makes us feel better, our minds are clearer and our energy levels are higher. 

Remember that hydration is about more than just drinking water all day. Choose foods that will help you stay hydrated throughout the day and make sure you’re incorporating enough of the right kind of movements to make the most of the fluids you get from what you eat and drink. Your body will thank you for it. 

Schedule your next class at Razz Yoga. If you’re not yet a member, try us out for 30 days with our introductory offer. We’d love to welcome you to our community. 

Heather RasmussenRazz Yoga